From Tragedy to Triumph: Creating a Charitable Product Inspired by Grief

In life, we will encounter moments that switch on our fight or flight and potentially stay with us forever. For me, one such moment happened when I was walking up the footpath to my home in the early hours and found a badly attacked hedgehog. Even though I follow so many rescues, wildlife hospitals, I thought I would know what to do in a situation like this if it ever happened, but the sense of helplessness, not knowing what to do or who to call, was overwhelming. Despite my best efforts, I couldn't save the hedgehog, and the experience left me grappling with grief and guilt and a desire to make a difference.

I turned to drawing as a means of processing my grief. As I sketched a hedgehog walking in the wild, I found solace in honouring the memory of the hedgehog that had touched my life so profoundly that I didn't want my efforts to end there. I wanted to transform this tragedy into something positive, something that could make a real difference in the lives of other hedgehogs and wildlife in need. And so, the idea for a charitable product was born.

I felt inspired, so I transformed my drawing into an enamel pin that hedgehog lovers could wear. All my previous pin designs have come on a simple double-sided backing card, but this was not enough space for my intended idea.  I did not want this to be just any pin but a helpful aid for wildlife, with an accompanied backing card bearing my story and crucial information on how to locate the nearest rescue or wildlife hospital, as well as basic first aid tips for injured animals.

I knew I wanted to collaborate and raise money for a local wildlife hospital, so I sought their guidance and support in creating informative content for the backing card and, with their permission, used their logo to fundraise and advertise the pin. Their expertise proved invaluable, ensuring that the information provided was accurate and actionable, as there is so much misleading information on the internet. 

With my hedgehog situation, I struggled to find a local rescue that had open phone lines at 1 a.m.; I had no idea where to look other than Google, and I ended up going to a local 24/hour vet for help, who kindly put the sweet soul to sleep as its wounds were too severe. These circumstances would not of changed if I had been with another centre, I am sure, but after the incident, I discovered a valuable resource for finding wildlife centres, and this was a valuable bit of information I really wanted to get out there. 

Backing card mock up of the front and back booklet style information card

With the product ready to launch, I embarked on my journey to raise awareness of the pin with a percentage of funds to be donated back to Secret World. Through social media outreach and word-of-mouth promotion, the response was overwhelmingly positive. People resonated with the story behind the pin and were eager to support the cause. 

In the end, the project proved to be a success, and with £200 of the profits donated to the wildlife hospital that had assisted me along the way, I felt a profound sense of fulfilment knowing that our efforts would directly benefit wildlife in need.

But perhaps the most rewarding part was the opportunity to turn what I felt was a moment I could not help into a positive action that I hope, if my little hedgehog is looking down, is glad to have dedicated to its memory. 

The enamel pins are on sale for a limited time, so don't miss out and grab yours here. 

Finished Saving the Hedgehog Charity Enamel Pin 

Secret World Wildlife Rescue is a rescue centre in Somerset for orphaned and injured British wildlife. They help over 5,000 animals every year, rehabilitate them, and return them to the wild wherever possible. They also have courses, open days, and more to teach and share the love of wildlife and how to help them. To donate directly, adopt a hedgehog, or check out their wildlife courses, check out there website. 

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