Celebrating Grazing Harmony: Surrey Wildlife Trust's Autumn Appeal Unveiled

Embarking on another enchanting collaboration with the Surrey Wildlife Trust, my latest commission took the form of a captivating centrefold spread for their autumn appeal. Following our successful partnership on an eco-friendly pin, the trust reached out again, entrusting me with the task of creating a visual narrative that would grace the pages of their seasonal campaign.

The focal point of the artwork was a lush landscape, featuring the picturesque Surrey heathland and the iconic Belted Galloway cows gracefully grazing. The challenge was to encapsulate the symbiotic relationship between these majestic creatures and the diverse species that thrive in their presence. The artwork needed to be both identifiable and slightly impressionistic, inviting viewers into a world where conservation and biodiversity converge.

As the canvas unfolded, the scene came alive with the rich hues of blooming Bell and Common Heather, creating a captivating backdrop for the Belted Galloways. Each cow, adorned with NoFence GPS collars, roamed the heathland—some in the foreground, others dotting the distance—a visual testament to the trust's commitment to innovative conservation methods.

Isolated Belted Galloway For The Front Page Of The Appeal

In this carefully curated ecosystem, I included other notable species, from the delicate flutter of a silver-studded blue butterfly to the nightjar nesting within the heather. The landscape also featured a hillside adorned with cross-bred sheep and wildflowers, all rendered as small, impressionistic dots in the distance.

The goal was to capture the benefits of grazing, with labels added by the trust later to explain how Belted Galloway cows and sheep contribute to the landscape. From pock-marked hoof prints and wet areas to the meticulous grazing patterns that enhance biodiversity,. The artwork vividly depicted how the animals pulled, chomped, trampled, cleared, and fertilised the land, contributing to the flourishing heathland habitat.

I like to think I captured what the landscape could look like if their campaign gets funded - a vibrant ecosystem.It was an honour to contribute to Surrey Wildlife Trust's vital conservation efforts, and it landed in print on people's doorsteps in November 2023. The campaign was successfully funded in full!

Centrefold Conservation Grazing Spread with Wildlife Trust Annotations
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